Monday, December 3, 2012

Capstone Project: 21st Century Classroom

photo credit: Surajram Kumaravel via photopin cc
     When my English class was told to start on the "Capstone Project" it was not difficult for me to figure out what exactly I wanted to share with students and faculty. What should Jacksonville State University consider changing? The answer to that question is easy to answer looking around the class. It's so easy to walk inside a building and walk into a class disoriented from the professor's lecture. It looks like a place where you should normally fall asleep. The classrooms at JSU are all aligned in the same matter. All desks are facing the front of the class. The professors usually lectures in the front of the class, or even have you look at a PowerPoint presentation that only takes seconds to create. We need change! I believe if JSU's faculty and teams will just think outside of the box that we were put into a long time ago, we will succeed in our teaching and our learning. There should not be dull moments in a classroom. We are living in a world where everyone is constantly on the move. There's technology, creativity, and excitement outside the classrooms. What is wrong with bringing these aspects of life inside the classrooms?
   So I began the researching process. It was so many facts that I read upon that brought my attention to exactly what I had been thinking all alone. I do realize that in years to come college students will be nothing like the college students today. There are generations that will be in college soon that are exposed to tons of technology. Boys and girls are growing up today with cell phones, ipads, ipods, nooks, and laptops at an early age. According to USA Today, children between the ages eight and ten spend about five hours using media each day, eight hours if you count the additional media consumed while multitasking. That says a lot about the generations of students that can become college students years from now. Although we are accustomed to these long lectures and PowerPoint presentations, these upcoming college students will definitely be prone to boredom. How will professors be able to engage these students in ways that are not familiar with them? How will we prepare youngsters in this complex world? 

 photo credit: Swansea Photographer via photopin cc
     What can JSU do to promote learning in the classrooms for us and for generations to come? I then began to research the "21st Century Classroom" online. All my ideas of what a classroom should consist of came together. The classroom should present learning areas for each particular activity. I observed a model of this classroom during my research. It showed a lecture area, science area, brainstorming area, collaborative area, and group work tables. The classroom will be equipped with technology in each area. This classroom will also define the characteristics and abilities for a learning environment, which I learned through research.The technology in the classroom will give an interactive aspect of learning. There will be software in the classroom that will provide a great amount of learning activities. Of course there will be supporting internet connections throughout the class. Instead of being in one sitting throughout the class time, you'll be able to move around when you are done with an area. There will soft-seating in the classroom to provide a comfortable feel. Flexibility will be provided in the classroom, as well. No more squeezing through desk! The professor will have a wireless microphone at all times to conduct the classroom. All these things I have named will definitely give the classroom liveliness. You should be able to accomplished all the things the professors ask with a classroom like this. This classroom will promote a better learning environment for college students.
Middle Section of Poster: Layout of the "21st Century Classroom"
Left section of Poster: Details regarding the "21st Century Classroom"
Right section of Poster: Information about specific furniture and technology that will be used in the classroom.
     What's wrong with change in the typical JSU classroom? I provided a visual for my project. The visual will show a 21st century classroom up close for everyone to see. I will also provide elaborate information on the visual to give understanding. I hope to promote the lives of college students connections to the classroom in order to learn. JSU has a great classes and academics. The classrooms of any school or college says a lot pertaining the school or college alone. We deserve change in such a wonderful university like ours.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Evaluating My Writing: Reflection

photo credit: g23armstrong via photopin cc
     As I reflect on my progress in writing, I've realize that what once made me nervous makes me excited. When I first started writing blogs I knew I had a lot to learn. I composed many words together, many errors, and probably confused my readers. Today, I'm better at writing blogs simply because I learned the etiquette of writing. What starts from a blank document can now become a structure of ideas. I'm hoping to be able to form many more blogs in the future because of the way I have grown to love writing. It's always a rough start analyzing and thinking about what you actually want to be read. Once I had realized that my personality could be typed up, I didn't have any problems telling my readers what I was thinking. I'm sure I kept my readers wide awake with my sense of humor and ideas about topics on college. I had some weaknesses in my writing, but I also had some strengths. There were a few of my blogs that I thought displayed a number of strengths.

Share or Die Response 

     I really enjoyed reading "Share or Die: Voices of the Get Lost Generation in the Age of Crisis". It was filled with so many interesting stories about people's journeys throughout their careers and struggles in the economy. It really gave me an outlook of how things can be after I graduate college as well. My English 101 class was given a assignment to compose a blog post about the "Share or Die" book and respond to the essays we read. My strengths in this blog post were overall excellent. I think it was one of my best blog post I have written this semester. First, the organization was great. I spaced my paragraphs well. My ideas all came together. My class wasn't asked to talk about our "thoughts" before reading the book, but I did. I felt a need to express the way my thoughts and perceptions had changed before I actually read the book. My idea of responding to the essay were to give my complete thoughts and relations in my blog post. Many of my values had now change in composing this blog post. I thought everyone had to go to college to become successful but that's not true which I explained in my blog post. I connected to the author, Sarah Idzik, of "Unprepared" that I read so well, it's unbelievable. I displayed that in my blog post. I absolutely loved reading a comic from the "Share or Die" book called "Quitter". I'm not really into comics but I enjoyed reading that comic and sharing that in my blog post as well. I believed that my growth was definitely shown in this blog post.

What is College Good for?

     This blog post took a lot of thinking. My strengths in this blog post were shown. I used a lot of media, like images, in this post. It is told that images do make a post become more alive. The introduction was well-thought out. Sometimes you get in the habit of having the same type of introduction for every type of blog post you have. I wanted to try using statements instead of questions everytime. Some say it's hard thinking of a good statement to start your writing with, but it really just takes some effort. You have to step out of your box when it comes to writing a lot. There was organization in this post. Organization means a lot to your readers. Your readers can be lost and confused without organization in your writing. I learned to use links well in this blog post. There were some great quotes in this blog post. One of the quotes I completely loved by Jeff McGuire, "Attending college provides students with the knowledge and experience they are unable to recieve from a secondary education, and finding a way to fund a higher education now can pay off in a huge way in the years to come." I believe that getting more education is always worth the time. In this blog post I wasn't afraid to share my opinions.

Why College: Revised

     I'm so happy I got a chance to revise the first,  "Why College?" blog post. "Why College?" was basically my first blog post. Boy, did I have a lot of errors! I was glad when the class was told to revise one of the blog posts we had composed. The first version of "Why College?" had no paragraphs. It was just one big mess, you can call it. It had a lot of spelling errors. Some of my ideas might have left my readers clueless to what I was talking about in my writing. So when I composed "Why College: Revised" I begin to clean up the big mess I made on the first version. I organized my blog post so that I had paragraphs. I also corrected some misspelled words. I believe that the revised version of "Why College?" showed what I gain from learning how to create a blog posts. There are a lot of Do's and Don'ts to a blog posts.
     When I think of my progress this semester as a writer and a student, I'm really proud of myself. I never knew much about blogs. Now that I do, I'm absolutely sure that I'll keep writing blogs. My strengths as a blogger is what keeps me moving forward. If you haven't tried blogging you should start immediately. This will not be the end for me.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why College: Revised

photo credit: CollegeDegrees360 via photopin cc
     After high school is over and done with, here comes everyone with their opinions and suggestions. Some people might say "Just get a job!", while others might say "Go to college!". Personally, I had my mind set on going to college. There was no excuses for me. I knew that without some college education I wasn't going to succeed at the things I really wanted to do. After graduating from high school I knew obtaining a degree from college was the next achievement. So, the big question is WHY COLLEGE?

     College is the most important aspect of life. To do great things in life, you should consider going! Yes, there are some people with great jobs that haven't had any college education. But, it is very rare. Everyone cannot be a "Bill Gates" or a "Steve Jobs". You either work your way to the top or you start at the top. Unfortunately, most of us have to work our way to the top. How can you do that? Ding! Ding! College! The reason I chose college is simply because I have no other choice. Either it's college or it's working doing something I don't want to. I know with college education, I can do anything in this world. The more college education you get, you're liable to have a job. There are many people that do struggle with their degree because they may be over-qualified. It's just one of those circumstances that you may have to deal with if you're considering college. You must be prepared for the outcome.

     College is here to prepare you. Life is so much different now than years ago. You need more education and experience, to get that "good job", just like high school is to prepare you for college. Life works in cycles. You're always working to better yourself. What better way than to get more education? Most people think they'll struggle a whole lot in college, which may be true for some people. That's why everyone that decides to go to college should be prepared for the difficulties that come along with college. When really, college is a great experience! You meet all sorts of people. You get to learn more about each other's cultures. You get to participate in things you never thought you could. College can be fun, but keep in mind it's not all fun. Sometimes high school graduates see other people failing and getting thrown out of college. True enough, it can discourage you. I learned that you should never let someone's life experiences keep you from doing the things you really want to do. If so, you'll be doing nothing your whole life.

     I'm ready for this journey, even if it takes everything to make it through this "college life". I want to be able to make my parents proud after I finish college. My mom had some college education. She did some of the things she wanted to do, but didn't quite get to her main purpose. My grandparents couldn't even finish high school. They would love to see me succeed. After all I'm responsible for my life, my decisions, and my education. WHY COLLEGE? I want a career! I want to prosper! I want to take care of my family! I definitely want to take care of myself!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Share or Die Response


Thoughts before reading "Share or Die - Unprepared" By Sarah Idzik

     Sometimes us, teenagers, think we have it all figured out. We are growing up with this mindset of thinking that life is just simply easy. Most of our parents told us to get a "great" education so you can have that "great" career that you need. Most of our teachers and counselors in high school told us to go to a "great" college so you can earn a "great" degree. I'll admit their words will always stick with me. Our parents, teachers, counselors, mentors, and advisors are wonderful people. They have did their job and tried to prepare us for a better future. I cannot say that they didn't give me good advice. I just think they could've gave some truth along with giving the good advice.
     My thoughts about college have changed a lot since the discussions we've had in my english composition class. I must say I have a new outlook on college and what it's all about. Before reading "Unprepared", I've figured out that you must be prepared before and after college. Before you attend college you should absolutely have some kind of idea of why you want to attend. After college you should be willing to face challenges. Those challenges could be confusion, devastation, depression, and more. I've learned that graduating from college will not be a "sweet walk in the park surrounded by roses". There will be tough times. You must be prepared.

 Thoughts after reading "Share or Die - Unprepared" By Sarah Idzik

     I found "Unprepared" so relatable. Sarah wrote about how amazingly easy it was in high school. It seemed as if it was the same way with me. You go through high school being known as the "smart one", then once you step foot in college you realize that you don't know absolutely nothing. I thought it was amusing, because that was the exact way I felt. You spend time with countless numbers of people around at an university and you realize you have so much more to learn. I enjoyed reading her essay simply because she told both aspects of life. She told how college made her learn and mature quickly. I agreed with totally everything she stated in her essay. She stated some exceptional facts. The more you learn, the more you find to learn. She also told about her struggle after college. I wasn't really shocked after reading about her struggle, but it again open my eyes more to understand what could happen after I graduate from college. It is certainly hard to think about, but it is necessary for students in college to know.
     You would expect to go right into your career after college, but sometimes it just might not happen the way you dreamed it would. I still believe that futhering your education is right, but you should definitely be prepared for unseen circumstances. She told about her friends' struggles also. They were just like her. Only one of her friends really got a chance to obtain their career. That gained my attention. Sarah Idzik really made me contemplate on my future even more than ever. It is frightening to have paid all that money, listen to all those professors, and finish all those assignments in college and not be able to do what your heart desires in the end. Everyone wants that "great" career that everyone keeps talking about. No one ever tells us our chances of getting those "great" careers. Just like Sarah Idzik, we have to create our own version of the real world. You must have the confidence to search for your personal success.

Thoughts after reading "Share or Die - Quitter" By Emi Gennis

     I enjoyed reading "Quitter", a comic strip. It was fun to read and laugh at something that had some serious points to it. I haven't read a comic strip in a long, long time. After reading "Quitter" I would like to read another comic strip by Emi Gennis. The comic strip was based on a story from the recession. It reminded me of "Unprepared" in many ways. It makes you think of the questions most people think of when heading into college and graduating from college. It is also an eye opener to what can happen after college. What I've gained from "Quitter" is just the same thing I gained from "Unprepared". You cannot be a quitter! Success will not come to you, you must work hard for those things you want out of life.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What Is College Good For?

     Some of you may have asked this question to yourself. You may have thought about this question when you figured how much money college takes away from you. You may have thought about this question when you realized how big of a responsibility college is. You may have even thought about this question one day when you was walking out of the most boring class you’ve ever came across.
 photo credit: CollegeDegrees360 via photo pin cc

     I guarantee you college is good. “What for?” you might ask. Not only is college good for one reason, it is good for a lot of reasons! Living today, it is very important to gain college education. You can use what you have gain from college into everyday life. College is good for furthering education, networking, and increasing money. If college was not good for anything, personally I would not be attending JSU today. In order to do the things I hope for in the future, it is a necessity to me. It should also be a necessity to others who want to strive for the best.


     College is good for furthering your education and furthering your career. It is hard to do things without a degree. College will certainly give you a great job. It is not certain you will always start where you want to, but it is certain you will be able to move from where you start. Going to college will also look excellent on your resume when applying for a job. It is not promised that you will get the job just because you went to college, but you still will have a better chance than someone who didn’t. Life without college education may seem easy to some people. In reality, life without college education is difficult. I ask people older than me that did not have college experience would they have went now, they always tell me they would have chose college. That made me think a lot. I don't want to be that person ten years from now. I'm sure there is a lot of people that don't want to be that person either. The value of college education is worth it. Many people wish they would have futhered their education because of the technology that exist. According to Louis Menard, "There is stuff that every adult ought to know, and college is the best delivery system for getting that stuff into people’s heads". Even if you are a cashier at McDonald's or Wal-Mart you have to know how to utilize those updated cash registers. College is good for knowledge. It is possible to have a good job without college education, but why settle? We should live our life like it is a learning session everyday. You must be equipped for life. That's what college is good for.
 photo credit: SukhrajB via photo pin cc


     College is good for networking. There is so much the future holds. Your friend today may be your business partner tomorrow. Being able to meet different people enhances your college experience. I agree with the writer of Why School, Rose and the NPR Staff totally. In one of the NPR Staff's articles it reiterates that "One of the great things about bringing so many people together in this common space is that you're almost forced to have to deal with and encounter people who see the world in a very different way from your own, ways that you maybe never even thought of." College is all about meeting new people with minds of their own. You share your culture and you learn their culture. College gives you a chance to bond with groups and organizations that can last a life time. College is a fun way of socializing. You maintain these friendships throughout the rest of your college career. They can help you in the future and present. Even communicating with professors is good for references when applying for jobs. You may even get a job just by being in a organization, sorotity, or fraternity in college when you apply for a job. Knowing people in college can definitely be a way to get that career you wanted.


     College is good for increasing your money. I'm sure everyone wants to prosper in life. Your college education can be the essential to you applying for jobs. Not all jobs start you at a low pay rate especially when you have a degree. You can start at a higher paying rate than someone without a degree. Why? You have college education! Jobs will depend on you to do everything well, considering you have knowledge. It is really hard to get a good paying job without getting a good education. Yes, college is expensive. I never knew college to be cheap, but it is worth it. I believe Jeff McGuire said it best, "Attending college provides students with the knowledge and experience they are unable to receive from a secondary education, and finding a way to fund a higher education now can pay off in a huge way in the years to come." Think about your future. It takes money to go forward and to succeed.
 photo credit: Life As Art via photo pin cc
     As far as I know college is good. We all must get a good education, meet new people, and earn money. College is the way! It is time for society to put away all reasons of why college is not good. Many people have went to college and they are doing well. Why can't we all believe that? College takes confidence, assessment, and determination. In "Don't Miss the College Forest for the Career Trees" it is stated as important as knowledge is, if that is all you expect from college, you will have missed the larger ends of your education. College is not just about gaining knowlegde, it is about gaining your life's purpose. If you are not ready for college it may not be good for you, but speak for yourself. We all know that graduating from college is a great achievement. College has it's obstacles, but it's the experience that helps us grow.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Why College?

After high school is over and done with, here comes everyone with their opinions and suggestions. Some people might say "Just get a job!", while others might say "Go to college!". Personally, I had my mind set on going to college. There was no excuses for me. I knew that without some college education, I wasn't set on the things I really wanted to do. After graduating from high school, I knew obtaining a degree from college was the next achievement. So, the big question is WHY COLLEGE? College is the most important expect of life. To do great things in life, you have to go! No exceptions! Yes, there is some people with great jobs that hasn't had any college education. But, this is the REAL world. You either work your way to the top or you start at the top. Unfortunately, most of us work our way to the top. How can you do that? Ding! Ding! College! The reason I chose college is simply because I have no other choice. Either it's college or it's working, doing something I don't want to. I know that with college education, I can do anything in this world. The more college education you get, you're liable to have a job. College is here to prepare you. Life is so much different now, then years ago. You have to have that degree, to get that "good job". Just like high school is to prepare you for college. Life works in cycles. You're always working to better yourself. What better way, than to get more education? Most people think they'll struggle a whole lot in college. When really, college is fun! You meet all sorts of people. You get to learn more about each other's cultures. You get to participate in things you never thought you could. They see other people failing, and sometimes just getting thrown out. I learnt that you should never let someone's life experiences keep you from doing the things you really want to do. If so, you'll be doing nothing your whole life. I'm ready for this journey, even if it takes everything to make it through this "college life". I want to be able to make my parents happy after I finish college. My mom had some college education. She did some of the things she wanted to do, but didn't quite get to her main purpose. My grandparents couldn't even finish high school. They would love to see me earn my degree. After all I'm responsible for my life, my decisions, and my education. WHY COLLEGE? I want a career! I want money! I want to take care of my family! And I definitely want to take care of myself!